Auto Dealership
- Status: Pending
- Price: $295,000

Houmehr 'Mike' Panoussi
- License No:
- DRE #01853627
- Email:
- Office:
- 661-816-1141
- Mobile:
- 661-816-1141
Auto Dealership
Making Net Income $275,000
Used car dealership and auto repair shop in L.A. County. Over 12 years at this location, turn-key. This is a deal that will NOT LAST. Take advantage of the built in customer base and epic location that has everything you need. The mechanic shop has 3 bays, 2 in ground hoists, 1
ELECTRIC hoist, coats tire machine, coats balance machine, 2 metal mechanic
work tables, 1 air compressor and more!
Previously they had a rental car business at this location which could be added
again to increase revenues. Owners are retiring and ready to sell -Inventory
TBD, not included in the purchase price.
Lease Expires January 2025, Buyer can obtain an extension upon approval of the
landlord. 1512 sqft BLDG, over 33K sqft LOT.
The dealership has a total of 3 bay’s. 1 repair shop, 1 Tire shop and 1 Balance
rotation shop with equipment fully functioning. The sales department is inside
and it’s 12×65 feet
In House Financing available.
Avg. Gross sales over $2,500,000 annually
Nets about average $275K annually. Rent is $7800/M
Business Information
Financial Information
- Annual Total:
- 2,500,000
- Revenue:
- Annual Net Income:
- 275,000
- Inventory:
- Monthly Payroll:
Lease Information
- Base Rent:
- 7,800/m
- Lease Expires:
- 2025
- Lease Option:
- Can Be Given upon approval
- NNN:
Financing Information
- Down Payment:
- Owner Will Carry:
- Other Finance:
- Terms: