Seller claims gas station sales of 200,000 +/- gallon with 1.5 Cent net margin monthly. Mart sales is $135,000+/- monthly @34% to 38% markup. Inventory is not included in the asking price. There are 4 x MPD’s, 8 x fueling stations with canopy. This is a semi- Absentee owner operation with fully trained staffs with monthly labor $14,000. Owner works part time. The station was fully remodeled and upgraded in January 2021. The Mart has licenses for Beer/Wine, Tobacco, Lotto Lottery. Franchise fee and the inventories my be finance by 7-11 for the right buyer with a good credit. Lease will expire 2047 and the buyer will have 2 x 15 years options. Rent and most operating expenses are paid by 7-11. Buyer must be qualify by 7-11. Seller has health issue and reduced the price for quick Sale. Seller shows over $570,000 Gross Profit for the store.