Pizza Restaurant
- Status: Available
- Price: $699,000

Houmehr 'Mike' Panoussi
- License No:
- DRE #01853627
- Email:
- Office:
- 661-816-1141
- Mobile:
- 661-816-1141
Asking Price: $699,000
Including Real Property $2,100,000.00
This Pizza Company has been operating under the original owner since 1997. His Chicago roots and California upbringing, calling California his home for over 30 years, gives you the best of both worlds.
They stays true to its exclusive recipe. They use only the finest ingredients, Real Wisconsin cheese, California grown tomato products, garden fresh produce and handmade pizza dough. All their delicious food is made to order.
3,500 sqft of free-standing family friendly space which sits on 10K sqft lot.
Rent is $8500 per month including NNN, Long term lease available
Gross sales average about $1,300,000.00 +
Nets about $ 220,000.00 +
25 PT and FT Employees, Open 7 Days, Beer and Wine, Delivery too.
Business Information
Ownership Type:
Year Established:
Year Purchased:
Business Type:
Pizza Restaurant
License(s) Required:
Business, Health, ABC
Hours of Operation:
7 x days a week
Business Relocatable:
Business Is A Franchise:
Home Based:
Broker To Broker CoOp:
Office Listing Number:
Date Available:
Reason For Sale:
Financial Information
- Annual Total:
- 1,300,000
- Revenue:
- Annual Net Income:
- 220,000
- Inventory:
- Monthly Payroll:
Lease Information
- Base Rent:
- 8,500
- Lease Expires:
- Lease Option:
- NNN:
Financing Information
- Down Payment:
- Owner Will Carry:
- Other Finance:
- Terms: