This Restaurant is 2,500sqft. with 9 years lease and 2 x 5 years option. Rent is $4,219.19 per month including NNN. It has full kitchen with full-Service Bar type 47 license. Seller claims his Gross Annual Sale is about $2,200,000 with approximately $50,000 per month Profit. The Restaurant is open 7 x days a week from (11.00am-9.30 pm) and weekends till 11.00 pm. Payroll for the kitchen is about $18,000 per month with 4 x chefs working.
30% of sales is Liquor & Wine
70% of sales is Food.
This is an Italian Restaurant in heart of well populated city in Alameda county, with outdoor seating and walking exposure. Current owner owns all the equipment and has replaced most of the refrigerators in the past 2 years. During 2020 with Covid pandemic, he did $1,500,000 sales with mostly to go. In 2021 he did $2,200,000 sales with approximately $50,000 a month profit.
Business Information
Ownership Type:Corporation
Year Established:
Year Purchased:
Business Type:Restaurant (Italian)
License(s) Required:Business, Health, ABC
Hours of Operation:9.00am-9.30pm, M-F) weekend till 11.00/ 7x days a week